Breed gay definition

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2021 In addition to controlling the precious right to procreate, this flawed, outdated statute empowers a guardian to end life-sustaining medical treatment over the objection of an individual. 2021 Lasansky depicted the base instincts of human behavior-aggression, dominance, hunger, and a ruthless drive to procreate and survive.Ĭhadd Scott, Forbes, 9 Dec. Jessica Hullinger, The Week, 13 July 2021 Single women, husbands, gay couples, as well as people found on any point of the gender spectrum, all have the choice to procreate - and the choice not to.Īlex Williams, New York Times, 20 Nov. 2022 The Czech Republic started giving parents cash to procreate in the 2000s, and has seen more births over time.

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2022 The characters mustn’t just live and breathe but bicker and brood, create and procreate. Recent Examples on the Web In their offseason, the goats get to rest, recreate and procreate.

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